
The One Show 2008

Production Details

After the success of the One Show inserts produced last year and the popularity of the nightly programme – it’s regularly pulling in 5 million viewers – Tigress is producing another 35 wildlife films this year.

Miranda Krestovnikoff and Mike Dilger are the presenters, wiring up a suburban street in Gloucestershire in the popular ‘Garden Watch’ strand – and discovering deer, foxes and an intrepid badger venturing onto a trampoline in the process.

The monthly ‘Wildlife Spectacles’ have already followed baby herons being ringed, wild native daffodils in profusion and hares in early morning March mist – while a three part Dawn Chorus special tracked down the rather drab, brown corn bunting that sings a different song depending on which Cornish headland it calls home.

Over the summer How To Get Close To Wildlife will give tips and tricks of the trade for getting the ultimate view of barn owls, deer, rabbits and kingfisher. Want to see a barn owl? In theory, lie on your back, very quietly near a nest and the owl will hover over you to investigate…..  At least, that’s the theory. But all will be revealed, week nights on BBC1 at 7pm.

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