Canada: A Year In The Wild review
Review by Christopher Stevens for Mail Online website on Friday 5th October 2018:
Canada: A Year In The Wild
Rating ★★★★☆
We watched foxes hunting for voles in the snow, bighorn sheep wrestling for mating rights, and bald-headed eagles plunging into icy water to seize trout.
The untouched wilderness, in this vast and sparsely populated country, was spectacular. Canada, the honeyed tones of Mr Suchet informed us, has more lakes than the rest of the world combined, and hundreds of mountains higher than Ben Nevis.
Flying squirrels can glide 300 yards in a single leap. Beaver dams have a single entrance underwater, to keep out predators. Gradually, as he poured down these facts in a torrent of silver, my tensions drifted away. Any aches were numbed, anxieties were quelled. This was a massage for the soul.
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